Animation Software for Linux

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  • Blender 3D
Blender 3D is one of the applications processing 3D graphics with very high quality. Even the application is not infrequently used to manufacture commercial 3D animation. With a variety of features and fittings provided on this application, how lucky we are because this application can be obtained free of charge.

  • Pencil (2D)
Pencil is a 2D graphics applications make traditional hand-drawn animations, with mengompilasikannya on the "page-page" is provided so as to form a digital Flipbook.
  • KPovModeler
KPovModeler is a free composition / modeling for making POV-Ray scenes, including one alternative Blender 3D is quite promising.
  • Stopmotion animation
Is an application that can be used to capture and or combine photos together to create a smooth stopmotion animation video. Not only works well for claymation videos and the like, but also to create timelapse videos.
  • Synfig (2D)
Synfig is a free 2D animation software you can try, in his package it says, "two-dimensional animation has long been the domain of proprietary software ... Synfig, a free software / open source tool for producing feature-film quality animation with Fewer people and resources. "Very interesting.
  • Anime Studio 5 (2D) ($ 199.99)
Anime Studio 5 is also plotted as animation maker application, although this application is not free like the others, but Anime Studio 5 presents many features and performance are worth the price to be paid to bring it to your computer. Equipped with the import / export OBJ files, special effects scripting, layered animation, vector animation, and advanced timeline controls.

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