Remaster the distro or build a large distribution of derivative that has been established. Typically distributions are widely used as a base or a referral making distributions. The derivative here is not be construed as modifying the existing parent distro then gave her a new name just like that, but it can also mean taking some of the technology that existed at the parent distributions. The use of the term itself remastered in linux start popularized by Klaus Knopper's Knoppix Linux LiveCD distro creator which itself is the result remaster Knoppix Debian. In the field of remastering software can be defined as a process of re-wrapping the package of applications on operating systems where we can add even it could also reduce the application package is included. You could say that the remastering is the process of making a new operating system with different application packages from the original system (the default). By remastering allows us to increase or decrease the application package in an existing operating system with a new application package.
Remastersys is a tool that is inspired by the function mklive scripts on Mandriva distro that can be used to backup the system there are two interesting things to do remastersys on debian based linux distro.1. Make a full system backup including personal data to a live cd / dvd which can be used anywhere and can be installed (like ghost on windows)2. Can be used to make copies from your system to be distributed to friends. But without any data from the previous user.
Meremaster stages Ubuntu 10.10 with remastersysInstalling Ubuntu 10.10, as usualIn this section required is the installation media from Ubuntu 10.10The medium used is a CD (Compact Disc) installation. Here below are the steps to the process of installing the operating system Ubuntu 10.10 briefly. for the ubuntu installation process will not be described in detail here because it is outside the discussion.1. Boot sequence in BIOS (Basic Input / Output System) should be amended by making the CD-ROM as the first order.2. Ubuntu 10.10 installation CD is first inserted into the CD-ROM. After booting, to save time select Install ubuntu3. Follow the steps recommended by the system, to the size of hard drive partitions, prepare enough space to accommodate the data and process the results of the remastered remastered4. After the installation is complete then the computer will reboot and go into the desktop system.Preparation package configuration and installationBefore changing system and add and decimate the package there are some things we must do. To make installing software authors obtained using an online repository, could also use the DVD media that contains the ubuntu repository, but the author prefers menggunduh online because it is usually more up to date software than using offline media (dvd). To facilitate and expedite the process of downloading the authors change the layout to the default repository in this local repository located in Indonesia.Here below are the steps that the authors do to change the repository:Through the terminal:1. Running the command: sudo gedit / etc / apt / sources.list2. Enter the root password, the password is in the fill at the time of first installation3. Deleting all rows in the file and replace with these lines inlocal repository server.# Repository_di_FOSS-ID (telecom) to ubuntu maverickdeb maverick-backports main restricted universe multiversedeb maverick-proposed main restricted universe multiversedeb maverick-security main restricted universe multiversedeb maverick-updates main restricted universe multiversedeb maverick main restricted universe multiverse4. Through the terminal, enter the following command:sudo apt-get updatethrough the above command the system will automatically check the files repository of this process will take a few minutes, wait until the process is complete, the main support Installation softwareRemastersys is actually a utility used to perform the function of back-up system into a Live-CD/DVD. This application is by default not be included in the official Ubuntu package repository. To install it before its firstmust add the repository list. Through the input terminal of the command as followssudo gedit / etc / apt / sources.listadd this command on the bottom row# Remastersys (for ubuntu 9.04 and below) deb ... ubuntu /# Remastersys (for ubuntu 9.10 and above include 10.10) deb ... karmic /followed by the commandsudo apt-get install remastersysConfigure your own systemAfter completing all the changes on the desktop with themes and all its attributes, it's time to make the change permanent and can be seen also on the Live CD that will run well when it is installed. The first step should be done is to copy the copy of all themes in the user folder (home) to share the system folder (/ usr / share / for that you can do the following, it is an alternative way that writers get (any other way possiblecan you try with the same purpose):• Move all the files to be used as background to the / usr / share / backgrounds• Move all the files icon that will be the themes to / usr / share / icons• Move all the themes to / usr / share / themes• Move all icons and cursors into / usr / share / iconsPerhaps for those who are proficient can mengunakn CLI (shell) with the command cp, et al. But here I will give an example using the Nautilus Explorer to manyalin all those files.1. Open your home folder and press Ctrl + Hif true will be found a set of folders that had suddenly appeared with a dot in front of each name
2. In case of Home folder is still open, press Alt + F2 gksu nautilus typed input the root password.
A window will pop up Nautilus with root access can modify system files browse to the folder / usr / share // Usr / share / backgrounds -> copy the wallpaper to be used as background / usr / share / icons -> copy the icon used on the desktop / usr / share / themes -> copy the themes that are used on the desktop to easily copy all the files in direkoti home. themes to / usr / share / themes and icons that are used if installed in your home folder copy all the contents in the folder. icons to / usr / share / icons to who has had experience in moding can also change the login sound and other desired attributes.
The last step is done is copy the copy we have Desktop settings modification to the system folder is / etc / skel folder / etc / skel is the place to put the file or folder later by the system will copy all of the user's home folder created by the system except the root account.With mengnyalin the folders that contain the settings that we moding desktop to the folder / etc / skel, later on when the system automatically create a new user will have a view (setting) in accordance with what we set on our desktop.Running the following command sequentially on the terminal there are four important folders that store the settings we created earlier that need to be copied into the folder / etc / skel is. Config. Gconf. Gconfd. GNOME2By using four nautilus Explorer copy the folder to / etc / skelWhen you're done copying (copy) all the files needed, close the nautilus window with root access, because it would be dangerous to work with root access. If you do not accidentally delete or modify system files.Display welcome screen (GDM)For those of you who use ubuntu for a long time certainly feel a significant change in Ubuntu 9.10 where it began to use the new version of GDM that provides restrictions on modifying existing themes. But still we can change the look of the new GDM, is technically true visual components that make up the components shared with GDM themes for GTK Gnome desktop. Except for the icon that has its own themes./ Usr / share / icons / ← to icon/ Usr / share / backgrounds / ← for background/ Usr / share / themes / theme ← toTo change the welcome screen display in accordance with what we want can be done by editing the file that will be used as background image and then save it in the folder / usr / share / backgrounds. And install themes and desired icon as in how to install themes and icons to the desktop.To change the display do like the way the GDM login below:1. Prepare background who wants to become a GDM login screen background2. Prepare who wants to become a Border theme of GDM Screen3. Prepare Icon Icon who wants to become a GDM Login, Icon here in the form of SVG files withsize 64 × 64 using inkscape to edit it, or can look it up in the site.4. Copy all files in a way similar to the folders that have been determined as below- Background -> / usr / share / backgrounds- Themes -> / usr / share / themes- Icon -> / usr/share/icons/LoginIcons/apps/645. the last step pairs of themes in a manner Running Application press Alt + F2 commands typedgdm gksu-u dbus-launch gnome-appearance-propertiesenter the root password
6. Do not be fooled by the same display with an option to change the desktop themes and background, changes were made to Appreance Prefences will be applied to your GDM screen, not on the desktop, adjust the Background,Control, Windows Border, Icons with already carried out in four steps if it is click close, To see the changes did Logout, not a switch user.Display bootscreenMajor changes also occurred at 10:10 ubuntu version which has been used as a bootscreen Plymouth compared with a jaunty and karmic usplash still using that uses a combination xsplash and usplash. plymouth or boot screen is a graphical display that is displayed when the operating system is loaded after the grub. Here I will give you a way how to edit an existing Plymouth and entered into the system.1. Install all Plymouth themes that are available in the repository using synaptic, to give a lot of choice, but if you plan on editing the default ubuntu plymouth course you can skip this option
in a terminal run the commandsudo update-alternatives-config default.plymouth
At the terminal can be selected plymouth theme which we will use, here I use the themes as Sabily plymouth. To see the changes that we choose a theme plymouth enter the number that indicates the themes that would likeselected and press enter then run this command in terminalsudo update-initramfs-uWait until finished then restart the system to see the changes3. Here I will modify plymouth themes already installed ubuntu, technically all the themes that we had installed in the folder / lib / plymouth / themes, themes for Sabily plymouth itself is in / lib / plymouth / themes / Sabily, in that folder there bebarap I edited the file to be fixed and there I leave it as semual (not edited)/ Lib/plymouth/themes/sabily/bg_2560 × 1600.png edit →/ Lib / plymouth / themes / Sabily / password_field.png → let/ Lib / plymouth / themes / Sabily / progress_dot_off.png → let/ Lib / plymouth / themes / Sabily / progress_dot_on.png → let/ Lib / plymouth / themes / Sabily / sabily.plymouth → let/ Lib / plymouth / themes / Sabily / sabily.script → let/ Lib / plymouth / themes / Sabily / Sabily-logo.png edit →Editing can use editing software such as gimp or other image processing for those who are proficient can edit other files as deemed necessary or create your own screen plymouthto the size of the file. png are edited to follow the size of the file you want to edit to do backups for themes that want to copy the copy edited by him to another place to use gksu nautilus to do all these things the same waybefore. After that, run the following commandsudo update-initramfs-uthe above command to update the new initrd with the new plymouth theme. if the command is not executed changes that occur in plymouth themes usually only on when pc on shutdown / reboot not when the PC boots.
Bootloader (Linux ISO)Previous note these changes are made to the bootloader on the LiveCD GNU / Linux, not for an installed system keharddisk. Bootloader is the display that will display a boot option to load the operating system as well as from the disk. To change the display can be done by creating an image with 640 × 468 png format using GIMP or other editing software picture named splash.pngThen copy the folder / etc / remastersys / isolinux
Provide the name of the new distributionOne of the important things we need to do is give us a new identity on the distro one of the things you can do is edit the file that governs this there are three files that can be edited without the worry will make the system error./ Etc / lsb_release/ Etc / issue/ Etc / issue.netEdit the contents of the file and assign a name to your liking, for example I hereI gave the name of the new distribution GNU / Linux (for file lsb_release)DISTRIB_ID = GNU / LinuxDISTRIB_RELEASE = 1.04DISTRIB_CODENAME = catDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION = "GNU / Linux 1:04"to file issues and I replace the Ubuntu 10.10 with GNU / Linux 1:04To see the name change of the distribution that you provide update grubsudo update-grubthen restart your computer, it will show in the list grub operating system that turned into aGNU / Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-22-genericGNU / Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-22-generic (recovery mode)These changes can also be seen in the system monitor (task manager ubuntu) or type the following command diterminallsb_release-aIf you are using Ubuntu Tweak the computer it will show detailsthat the computer you are using a new distribution here GNU / LinuxThere are a few things to note in this name change:• To use the Software-center will have read that error because the operating system rather than ubuntu• On the use of Burg ubuntu image on the original list ubuntu operating system then it will be a question mark berubaha this is because the burg read that the operating system is not in the familiar and the new Linux distribution, for this can be in siasati by editing the file in / boot / burg / themes / icons with names gray, hover, large, small and then prepare four files that will be the icon of the PNG file with the size and number of different colors.Preparation of finalBefore starting the process remaster, make sure to delete any temporary files that are no longer needed, to minimize the size of the image and to process the image will load faster. The way the writers do is run the following command:# Sudo apt-get cleanSudop # rm-rf / tmp / *
Running remastersysRemastersys can be operated in two ways: using text mode or graphics mode command shell through administrasi.tah menu below in order to change the name of iso file that we will make use remastersys first edit the configuration file by typing perini remastersyssudo gedit / etc / remastersys.confThrough the configuration file can also change the name of the author of the iso file to be created, a folder of work and methods to be used to boot, but to simply just run remastersys-gui there is also already provided the option to edit these things, then to run the process remastered author use this commandsudo remastersys distato run through its GUI mode System> Administration> Remastersys Backupselect option DistThis image-making process itself takes a long time, and takes a big empty space. Image of the results of this process is by default located in the folder / home / remastersys, the resulting image size varies depending on how manypackage that we install the system. The format of the image itself is ISO, which can burn using the programsuch as Nero Burning Room or Brasero burner native Ubuntu application that is easy to operate this process will take a very large hard drive space if we finish up and burn images to disc may delete the image and temporary files are created by typing the following command at the terminalsudo remastersys cleanDo not run the command before moving the ISO image you created, because the above command will delete all your work with remastersys There is a good idea before burn image to cd or dvd in the first attempt to make use VirtualBox virtual machine, VMware or KVM to taste.
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