Every day more and more Linux easier for users to use Ubuntu Linux. A more complete facilities for the installation of new software. In Ubuntu 10.10, we can install the software without using the terminal. Ubuntu provides the Software Center to find software that is compatible with Ubuntu. Ubuntu Software Center allows us to look for software that we need. I've tried to install Wine on My Laptop, was easy as pie. Of course we must have an internet connection to download software that we want.
If you are a new Linux user, perhaps you need to know that Wine is an application provided by Linux, so we are biased to run existing applications on Microsoft. An example is the file that has exstensi EXE. So if we want to run the file on the Linux Operating System, we have to use Wine.
To install Wine, is very easy. In the Applications menu, click the "Ubuntu Software Center". Then we type in "Wine" in the search box, it will immediately appear that the Wine software ready to be installed. Then you just simply do click on "Install", then the system will automatically download the software, and automatically perform the installation on your computer. To use Wine, you can directly click the EXE file extension.
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