A system is basically a group of elements which are closely related to each
the other, which serves bersamasama
tertentu.Secara goals simple to achieve,
a system can be interpreted as a collection or set of elements, components, or
variables are organized, interacting, mutually dependent on each other, and integrated.
From this definition can be detailed further understanding of the umu system, namely:
1. Each system consists of unsurunsur
2. Unsurunsur
is an integral part of the system in question.
3. Elements of these systems work together to achieve system goals.
4. A system is part of a larger system.
In general, information can be defined as a result of processing data in a
form a more useful and more meaningful to the recipient which describes a
real that is used for decision making. information
is data that has been classified or processed or interpreted for use
pengabilan decisions in the process.
The information system is a system in an organization that brings
daily transaction processing needs that support the organization's operating functions that are
managerial activities of an organization's strategy to provide the
certain outside parties with the information necessary for decision making.
Information systems within an organization can be considered as a system that
provide information to all levels within the organization whenever needed.
These systems store, retrieve, transform, process and communicate information
received by using the information system or other system equipment.
COMPONENT INFORMATION SYSTEMInformation systems consist of componentsthe so-called building blocks (buildingblock), which consists of component inputs, component models, component output, componenttechnology, hardware components, software components, database components, and componentsthe control. All these components interact with each other to form aunity to achieve the target.1. Component inputRepresent the input data into information systems. Input here including the methodand media to capture the data to be entered, which may include dossiersbasis.2. Component modelThis component consists of a combination of procedures, logic, and mathematical models that willinput data and manipulate data stored in the data base by yag alreadydetermined to produce the desired output.3. Component outputResults from this system is that the output quality information anddocumentation that is useful to all users of the system.4. Component technologyTechnology is a "tool box" in information systems, technology is used toreceive input, run the model, storing and accessing data, neghasilkan andsend the output, and help control the overall system.5. Hardware componentsHardware plays an important role as a storage medium for vital information systems.Which serves as a place to accommodate the database or is easier saidas a source of data and information to expedite and facilitate the work ofsystem information.6. Software componentsSoftware serves as a place to process, calculate and manipulate datataken from the hardware to create an information.37. Component databaseData Base (database) is a collection of interrelated data and relatedone with another, stored on computer hard pernagkat and use the devicesoftware to manipulate it. The data need to be stored in a database for the purposesprovision of more information. The data in the database need to be organizedsuch a way that the resulting information quality. Organization of data baseboth are also useful for efficient storage capacity. The database is accessed ormanipulated using a software package called DBMS (DatabaseManagement System).8. Control componentsMany things can damage the system information, such as natural disasters, fire, te, peratur, water,dust, kecurangankecurangan,kegagalankegagalansystem itself, inefficiency,sabotage and so forth. Some controls need to be designed and implemented toconvinced that halhalwhich can damage the system can be prevented or if alreadyoccurred kesalahankesalahancan be quickly resolved immediately.
B. ELEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMThe information system consists of elemenelemenwhich comprises:1. OrangB. ELEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMThe information system consists of elemenelemenwhich comprises:1. PersonPeople or personnel for the purpose of computer operators, systems analysts,programmers, data entry personnel, and managers of information systems / EDP2. Procedure
There are three types of procedures required,the instructions for the user, instructions for preparation of input, operating instructionsfor the computer center employees.3. HardwareHardware for an information system consists of a computer (central processing unitinput / output), data preparation equipment, and terminal input / output.4. SoftwareThe software can be divided into 3 main types:a. Common software systems, such as operating systems and data management systemswhich allows the operation of computer systems.b. Common software applications, such as analysis and decision models.c. Pernagkat application software consists of programs that are specifically made foreach application.5. The databaseFile containing the program and data storage media is evidenced by the existence of aphysical such as diskette, hard disk, magnetic tape, and so on. File also includes outputand other records printed on paper, microfilm, an so forth.6. Computer networkThe computer network is a collection of computers, printers and other equipmentconnected in a single unit. Information and data moves through kabelkabelor withoutwired computer network allowing users to exchange documentsand data.5DEVICESOFTWAREDATABASEJARKOM ANDKOMDATDEVICEHARDTHE PROCEDURE7. Data CommunicationsData communication is a part of telecommunications that specificallywith respect to the transmission or transfer of data and information amongkomputerkomputer and pirantipirantianother in a digital form that is sentthrough the medium of data communication. Data means information that is presented by the digital signal.Data communication is a vital part of an information system because this systemprovide the infrastructure that enables komputerkomputercan communicateeach other.People or personnel for the purpose of computer operators, systems analysts,programmers, data entry personnel, and managers of information systems / EDP2. Procedure
There are three types of procedures required,the instructions for the user, instructions for preparation of input, operating instructionsfor the computer center employees.3. HardwareHardware for an information system consists of a computer (central processing unitinput / output), data preparation equipment, and terminal input / output.4. SoftwareThe software can be divided into 3 main types:a. Common software systems, such as operating systems and data management systemswhich allows the operation of computer systems.b. Common software applications, such as analysis and decision models.c. Pernagkat application software consists of programs that are specifically made foreach application.5. The databaseFile containing the program and data storage media is evidenced by the existence of aphysical such as diskette, hard disk, magnetic tape, and so on. File also includes outputand other records printed on paper, microfilm, an so forth.6. Computer networkThe computer network is a collection of computers, printers and other equipmentconnected in a single unit. Information and data moves through kabelkabelor withoutwired computer network allowing users to exchange documentsand data.5DEVICESOFTWAREDATABASEJARKOM ANDKOMDATDEVICEHARDTHE PROCEDURE7. Data CommunicationsData communication is a part of telecommunications that specificallywith respect to the transmission or transfer of data and information amongkomputerkomputer and pirantipirantianother in a digital form that is sentthrough the medium of data communication. Data means information that is presented by the digital signal.Data communication is a vital part of an information system because this systemprovide the infrastructure that enables komputerkomputercan communicateeach other.
To be able to implement effective systems and efisiendiperlukan planning,
implementation, regulation, and evaluation of each suit
the organization. order of
effective and efficient system is not to get an edge in competing.
Everyone can use information systems in organizations, but the efficiency factor
every system is different.
Keep in mind, the system changes, both large and small, are always going through the levels levels
as follows:
Level I: Ideas, knowing the need for change.
Level II: Design, designing the solution.
Level III: Implementation, applying design into the system.
Level IV: Controls, check the level of execution carried out in accordance with the design
Level V: Evaluation, check whether the changes that occur in accordance with the objectives
the original.
Level VI: Follow-up, melaksanakn changes in accordance with the evaluation results
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